Here’s an idea I’ve just had, and mentioned on Twitter:
It would be cool if someone with the necessary skills and bandwidth could provide a service which takes a Twitter search (say, for a hashtag), extracts from it valid UK postcodes, or postcode districts (the first half of a postcode, such as “B44”), and returns a corresponding KML file, which can then be passed to other services, like Google Maps.
It would enable anybody to create a service like Ben Marsh‘s excellent #UKSnow map, but on the fly, and for any term or hash-tag; and especially for one-off or short term issues. Imagine, for instance, the recent meteor seen from a large part of the UK. I could post on Twitter, say:
I just saw a #ShootingStar in B6!
(I did, too!) and others might reply:
I saw #ShootingStar from Waverley Station, EH1 1BB
Good view of #ShootingStar in S9, too!
and we’d very quickly have a map of places from which it had been seen — in the event, such information was posted to Twitter, but there was no easy way to collate it.
A similar service, returning KML for geo-coded tweets, would also be useful, and internationally too, and something combining both might also work.
A task for an upcoming hackday, perhaps? Or one you might like to tackle…